A Note from Hannah…

ASH The Company was established to provide an open and supportive learning environment for company members to explore their artistry and give them the necessary tools needed for their individual dance career. We believe in education, encouragement and hard work inside and outside of the classroom, which is why we provide individual company classes, multiple one on one meetings, exclusive time with the ASH faculty and much more.

Hannah Gossett

ASH The Company Director & ASH Faculty

What is ASH The Company?

ASH The Company is a training program and supplement to a dancer’s studio training. This program is a bridge from ASH attendee to ASH Assistant. Company members are required to attend a minimum of 4 cities in which the program is held, however they receive a full year scholarship to all ASH events. The program gives a taste of what touring with a convention is like, they will learn choreography to perform in the Closing Show, work the Performance Showcase and more! After the season is complete, at our Nationals event, a minimum of one company member will be chosen as an ASH assistant. The goal is for Company Members to dive deeper in their training and dance experience while invigorating them to push themselves to the next level!

How do I Audition for

ASH The Company?

The ASH The Company Audition is a single Live Audition at ASH Nationals. This Live Audition is separate from the ASH Assistant Audition. Dancers will learn combinations from the ASH Faculty. Once they learn the combination, they will audition in front of the ASH Faculty. (Bring clothes and shoes for ALL styles!). This audition is closed. No teachers or parents will be allowed in the room for any reason. Finally, all 25/26 ASH The Company Members will be announced at the Gala on the final night of Nationals!

For more detailed registration information, visit the ASH Assistant & ASH The Company Audition under the Nationals tab.

To register, you must “Add-On” the “ASH The Company Audition” to your convention registration. All dancers that would like to audition and be eligible for ASH The Company must be registered with this Add-On. There is a separate registration fee to audition. You are not automatically registered for this audition by attending Nationals or Auditioning for ASH Assistant. There are 2 parts of the ASH The Company Audition:

  • Live Audition: Dancers will learn combinations from ASH Director, Braham Crane, and ASH The Company Director, Hannah Gossett as part of the audition process. Bring clothes and shoes for ALL styles! This is a closed audition. No teachers or parents will be allowed in the room for any reason.
  • Convention Class Work: All Auditioners are observed by all ASH Faculty in attendance. Work ethic, responsibility, focus, technique and speed of learning are aspects that are important to becoming an ASH The Company Member and are observed by all decision-makers.

Finally, all 25/26 ASH The Company Members will be announced at the Gala on the final night of Nationals!


  • To be eligible to register for the ASH The Company Audition at Nationals, you must have received a Nationals Scholarship, Faculty Pick Scholarship, ASH Apprentice or ASH Apprentice Runner Up Scholarship at a 24/25 Regional event.
  • Dancers MUST audition in the age group in which they received their Scholarship.
  • Dancers must be able to attend the ASH The Company Audition, convention classes, and the Gala to participate.

Please Note: If a dancer receives the ASH The Company title, they must stay with the studio in the same capacity that they registered with upon receiving their Company title. If they choose to leave, their Assistant status will be revoked. This training is an extension to your studio training, not a replacement.

There is a program fee for ASH The Company.

2024-2025 Season

ASH The Company Members


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